A seedbed cultivator with a standard design suitable for traditional soil cultivation, as well as minimization systems.

Creating a seedbed for proper and even crop emergence.
Combining several operations into one means fewer passes through the field and lower costs of soil preparation. The front levelling bar or leveller perfectly levels off any unevenness. The front crumbling roller crumbles the clods. The main working section undercuts, aerates and warms up the soil layer. The final clod crumbling is provided by various types of rollers in combination with other equipment behind the rollers.

Adjusting soil cultivation to the needs of the crop.
Sweep section
A sweep working section (summer and autumn soil cultivation – winter cereals, oilseed rape)
This working section can be used for summer and autumn preparation when soil needs to be loosened, undercut and mixed after the previous harvest. The 10.5 inches sweeps in two overlapping rows undercut the soil profile along the entire machine width, creating a firm bottom. At the same time, soil is aggressively processed thanks to the working angle of the sweeps, creating a loosening top layer. Each sweep is mounted on a flexible tine that provides a 3D effect (horizontal and vertical movement) which protects the sweep from damage.

SB sweep section
SB sweep section with spring sweeps (spring soil cultivation – sugar beet)
The section is especially suitable for spring cultivation before seeding sugar beet where it is required to adequately manage spring moisture, but still prepare a precise seedbed. The sweep angle does not mix soil vertically, but the soil is still undercut in the whole area thanks to the overlapping sweeps that are 170 mm wide. Another benefit is the reduced demand on the towing vehicle power.

Gamma-point section
Gamma-point working section (spring soil cultivation – spring cereals, corn)
This section is suitable for early spring operations, such as required before seeding barley. The four rows of gamma points at a negative angle aerate and warm up soil without bringing wet particles to the surface, which preserves winter moisture. It is important for a fast start of growth of spring crop. The spring-loading of each tine enables working at high speed. The gamma points for this section are also available in the LONG LIFE version.

Provides perfect tracing of terrain unevenness.
The basic model of SWIFTER SO_F is equipped with a hydraulically adjustable drawbar that enables the machine to perfectly trace the terrain when working in the floating position. The field is then evenly cultivated, resulting in high-precision work.

Even weight distribution brings higher durability.
The side frames with individual working sections are suspended on a robust spacious frame. The supporting frame has a higher durability because the weight of side frame is evenly distributed. The sufficiently dimensioned axle, providing safe transport of the machine, also helps.

A smooth regulation of the working angle in relation to the conditions.
The front hydraulic Crushbar leveller allows the operator to ideally adjust the working angle of the leveller according to the field conditions in the comfort of the cabin. When compared with a mechanically controlled leveller, it is possible to achieve savings of up to 1 litre of Diesel per hectare.

Do not lose time, work at headland without having to lift the machine.
The design of the SWIFTER SO_F cultivator enables turning the machine at the headland without having to lift the working sections. Even so, we recommend turning on the headland with slightly excavated working sections and a larger turning radius.
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